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Is Krill Oil Better Than Fish Oil?

krill oil vs fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are vitally important for our health and exclusively beneficial.  As Wikipedia states, Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for right functioning of your nervous system, brain and vision. Researches prove the efficiency of consuming omega-3 fats for cardiovascular and nervous systems, for lowering inflammation. Fish oil and krill oil are together two sources of omega-3 fats, DHA and EPA. If we compare krill oil versus fish oil we will see the difference and will decide what to buy: krill oil or fish oil.

Nutrition data

Krill oil and fish oil are both rich in two significant omega-3 essential fatty acids – docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Fish and krill oil supplements contain almost the same concentrations of omega-3s. Different brands offer us different concentrations, so we should read labels to check the amount of omega-3 fats in fish oil as well as in krill oil. The recommended dosage is 1 gram of omega-3 supplements daily. Always talk to your doctor about a safe and at the same time an effective dose for you.

According to WellWise.Org, krill oil also possesses Vitamin A, Vitamin E and traces of Vitamin D. The phospholipids in krill oil contain choline, an essential nutrient used in the cell membranes. There are also canthaxanthin and astaxanthin in krill oil.

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid extracted from the krill’s orange-red shell. Astaxanthin is considered a strong antioxidant that lowers cellular damage connected with environmental toxins and aging processes. Although astaxanthin is believed to have significant health benefits, much more clinical trials are needed to prove if the amount of astaxanthin in krill oil pills is sufficient to give beneficial results. Nevertheless, omega-3s combined with astaxanthin make krill oil a worthy supplement.

SEE ALSO: 16 Reasons Why Men Should Take Fish Oil


In 2011 a study was carried out to assess the bioavailability of krill oil vs. fish oil supplements. Bioavailability means how well the body absorbs the nutrients from supplements. The study has shown that omega-3 fatty acids from krill oil are absorbed better. Krill oil contains DHA and EPA in a phospholipid form that makes their bioavailability higher. However, larger researches are needed to prove if omega-3s in krill oil are easier for the body to absorb.

Side effects of krill oil vs fish oil

Fish oil sometimes causes a fishy aftertaste, belching and indigestion. Fish oil interacts with some medications. The anticoagulant medications, including warfarin, heparin and aspirin and lowering blood pressure drugs are not used together with fish oil. High amounts of fish oil may also influence birth control pills. Diabetes, liver disease, immune disorders contraindicate fish oil supplements as well. Fish oil can induce excess bleeding or drop in blood pressure. People allergic to fish cannot take fish oil. 

IMPORTANT! 6 Fish Oil Side Effects You Must Be Aware of!

At the same time, people with allergy to shellfish cannot consume krill oil.  Krill oil side effects have not been studied properly by now. They seem to be similar to those fish oil has as they are mainly caused by large doses of omega-3 fatty acids.  Consult your physician before taking any supplement.


Fish oil is a bit cheaper than krill oil supplements because krill oil is more difficult to catch and process. Always read the label to be sure that you buy pure krill oil with phospholipids and astaxanthin in it.

Whatever you choose, fish oil or krill oil, pay attention to the amount of omega-3s in them and look for cold-pressed oils. Cold pressing lets the oils keep the beneficial properties after processing.