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Argan oil shampoo can become a good helper in treating damaged, dry and lifeless hair. This oil is famous for its nourishing, moistening and straightening properties and has been used by Moroccan women for hair treatment for a long time. Now, when this miraculous oil has come to the American market, we can explore its numerous benefits for our skin and hair. This oil can be either applied directly on our hair as a mask or added into a commercial shampoo that you usually use. Otherwise you can make your own shampoo which will provide the most of the benefits for your hair and scalp.
The Benefits of Homemade Argan Oil Shampoo
The main advantage of homemade shampoo is rather obvious – it is completely natural. Commercial products use chemicals and different preservatives in their recipes so you never know what you buy. What is more, they are harmful for the environment. Buying a commercial product which is claimed to be 100% organic is a good alternative, still they are very expensive. All these considerations make it quite reasonable to make a shampoo at home. It will save you a lot of money, you will not cause harm to the environment and you’ll get a highly effective and absolutely natural product.
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How It Works
Apart from providing necessary nutrients and vitamins needed for hair’s health and proper growth, argan oil repairs damaged hair, heals and protects it. After using it for at least a couple of weeks you will find your hair strong, smooth and shiny. Argan oil contains silicon which helps to straighten your hair if it is curly and makes it manageable and controllable. According to Argan Oil Society website, argan oil provides even more benefits for your hair than jojoba oil does, even though jojoba oil is considered to be one of the leaders in hair care among organic oils. Consider making Moroccan argan oil shampoo at home and you won’t regret it.
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Homemade Argan Oil Shampoo Recipe
Argan oil shampoo is very easy to make and it requires only three ingredients – water, liquid Castile soap and argan oil. We suggest using Castile soap as a basic shampoo ingredient as it is a completely organic product, made of coconut oil and olive oil with the addition of jojoba oil and hemp oil and some other essential oils which add extra benefits to your shampoo. The process itself is very simple:
- Combine ½ cup of water, ½ of liquid Castile soap and a teaspoon of argan oil in an old shampoo bottle or a soap dispenser
- Shake the bottle well until all the ingredients are perfectly mixed
- Keep your shampoo in the shower
- Shake it well before every use
- Use approximately one or two teaspoon of your shampoo depending on the length of your hair
Feel free to experiment with the oils that you add to your shampoo. Lavender and rosemary oils are very good for hair growth and have pleasant aroma. A little amount of honey added into your shampoo makes your hair very shiny and lively while nettle leaf helps to treat dandruff.
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