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Grapeseed oil with its rich nutritional value, high smoke point and a light smell is considered very appropriate for cooking purposes. But if a recipe suggests grapeseed oil for using and there is no a drop of it at this time, a grapeseed oil substitute can be found. However, there is no total freedom while interchanging cooking oils.
The ways of defining a substitute for grapeseed oil
- Firstly, it is important to find out why the recipe includes grapeseed oil as a compound ingredient. A viable grapeseed oil substitute depends on the type of dish and the cooking process, whether it is frying, sautéing, salad dressing making, baking, etc. The main purpose here is to define the maximum temperature that is needed and the importance of the additional odor that can be added by oil.
- Secondly the characteristics of vegetable oils should be compared. Suitable oil is the one which has the right smoking point and don’t add any superfluous flavor. Wikipedia lists the types of oils and their characteristics .
- But even if the smoke point and flavor are checked, sometimes a significantly different fat content can seriously mess up a delicate recipe. For example, grapeseed oil, which is mostly polyunsaturated, vs. canola oil, which is mostly monounsaturated (see canola oil nutrition profile).
SEE ALSO: Grapeseed Oil vs Olive Oil in Your Favorite Recipes
Substitute for grape seed oil depending on cooking process
(by Rimlee Bhuyan ”Grapeseed Oil Substitute”; Lori Alden “Oils and Cooking Sprays”, Wikipedia).
1. Frying
The major feature of oils that should be considered for recipes with deep-fried food is their smoke point. It should be no less than grapeseed oil has. So the alternative oils could be avocado oil, sunflower oil, soy oil, corn oil, safflower oil and peanut oil. They all have high smoke points as well as a neutral flavor. Sesame oil could also be grapeseed oil substitute, but mostly for Chinese or Malay cuisine as it has a very peculiar taste and flavor. What concerns olive oil for frying and sautéing, only olive oil from the second pressing suites because it also has a high smoke point.
2. Salad dressing use
For this purpose there is a variety of substitutes for grapeseed oil. The flavor of oils should be taken into consideration first of all. The best choices then are extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, almond oil, walnut oil and canola oil. More expensive oils which really great for making salad dressings are truffle oil and argan oil. Macadamia nut oil salad dressings are perfect as well.
RELATED: Get to Know All Grapeseed Oil Uses
3. Baking
For this purpose both parameters flavor and smoking point matter. Then, cottonseed oil or canola oil can become grapeseed oil substitutes. Plain unsalted butter is also the option for baking purposes. Notice that extra virgin olive oil can’t be used instead of grapeseed oil in baking due to its strong aroma. On the contrary, canola oil and cottonseed oil are very light in flavor and besides they have a high smoke point.
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