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To consider the relative advantages and disadvantages of safflower oil vs olive oil we should know about types of fats found in these oils. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s recommendations, we should avoid saturated and trans fats and replace them with vegetable oils in our nutrition. They admit that health oils, for example safflower oil or olive oil, help prevent and even combat some diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Healthy fats
Healthy fats we should include in our nutrition are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ones. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids omega-9s, certain amount of polyunsaturated fats omega-6 and omega-3.
Safflower oil can be of two types. The first kind of safflower oil is higher in monounsaturated fatty acids and it is similar to olive oil in its content. The other safflower oil is a source of mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6s.
So both oils contain healthy fats, important for the body vital functions. They lower the level of bad cholesterol and help prevent heart disease. They also help for weight loss. However, there are too many omega-6 fatty acids in people’s diet nowadays, so nutritionists recommend lessening the amount of omega-6 fats included in our diet and eating more omega-3s.
SEE ALSO: The Reasons Why Drinking Olive Oil is Healthy
If we compare vitamins included in safflower oil vs olive we see that safflower oil contains far more vitamin E. At the same time olive oil contains more vitamin K. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant considered beneficial for heart health, the immune system and for combatting free radicals. Vitamin K processes the body glucose and controls blood clotting.
RELATED: Advantages of Grapeseed Oil vs Olive Oil
Smoke point and flavor
You may easily replace spreads, animal fat or oil-based ingredients with safflower oil or olive oil. This will help you avoid bad fats harmful for our health. However, olive oil and safflower oil are different in their flavor, smoke points and therefore uses in food preparation.
Olive oil has a specific taste and flavor, its extra virgin form has a low smoke point, so it cannot be heated. Many people prefer it for salad dressings and bread dipping. Garlic infused olive oil is very tasty. On the contrary, safflower oil is flavorless and it is preferable for dishes where you don’t need extra taste of the oil. People add it to salads and desserts. Refined safflower oil, especially high oleic one has the highest smoke point of all oils 510 degrees F, so it is the best option for high-heat frying. Virgin olive oil, for example, smokes at 391 degrees F.
Price of safflower oil vs olive oil
The price factor can be called determining in comparison safflower oil vs olive oil. Olive oil costs much more, especially premium extra-virgin olive oil. However, if you like the taste of olive oil, you may keep it for salad dressings or bread dipping and cook with safflower oil in order to save money and receive benefits of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Safflower and olive oils are both good for consumption although remember about moderating the amount of fat you eat.
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