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Algae Oil Supplements: Benefits and Side Effects

algae oil supplements

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According to Wikipedia algae are a diverse group of unicellular and multicellular organisms living in the water. Marine algae are used to produce algae oil. As algae have omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, algae oil supplements are highly recommended for consumption due to their numerous benefits and a small quantity of contraindications.  

Who needs algae oil?

People need to consume omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. The ratio of these essential fats should be at least 4:1. Nowadays the Americans’ diet includes the ratio of these fats equal to 25:1. This leads to inflammation and the rise in various diseases. The consumption of omega-3 fats let reduce inflammatory processes. The usual source of omega-3 fats is fish and fish oil. However, fish may accumulate mercury and other contaminants from the water. As a result fish oil is not always pure. Algae oil supplements are a wonderful source of omega-3 DHA and EPA fats. They are perfect fish oil supplements. Algae oil supplements are especially recommended for:

  • People consuming a lot of omega-6 fats, for example, corn oil, vegetable oil and foods that contain corn oil or cooked with these oils. Algae oil supplements counteract omega-6 fats and the body can function properly.
  • Vegetarians. Vegetarians don’t eat fish and the only source of omega-3 fats for them is flaxseed, walnuts and some oils, but flaxseed contains ALA (see more about flaxseed oil nutrition profile). This omega-3 fat as Wikipedia states can be converted into EPA and DHA but as a result of this conversion people receive a small amount of the essential EPA and DHA. 1 gram of algae oil supplements may increase their levels of DHA and EPA significantly already after 8 weeks.
  • Pregnant, breast-feeding women and children. Docosahexaenoic acid, the main nutrient of algae oil supplements is essential for the future babies’ brain development. Children can take algae oil supplements while flaxseed oil is not always recommended for pregnant women. According to the research 600 mg of algae oil for children may better reading skills. Consult the doctor before giving algae oil supplements to children.



SEE ALSO:  All about Algae Oil Extraction

Algae oil supplements and their benefits

As algae oil supplements contain EPA and DHA, their consumption helps better the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. This oil has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and has a lot of benefits for the heart. The intake of the supplements for 6-8 weeks increases the immunity level, improves mood, memory, ability to concentrate, neurotransmission and promotes insulin sensitivity and the work of the central nervous system. Moreover, algae oil supplements help reduce the risk of the cardiovascular diseases, lower the level of triglycerides, regulate the level of cholesterol and lessen hypertension.

According to scientific studies DHA received from cooked fish and algae oil supplements is the same one and well tolerated.


RELATED: All You Should Know about Algae oil and its Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Side effects

Algae oil supplements have a blood thinning effect. People consuming anticoagulants such as aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin or heparin should consult their doctors before adding algae oil supplements to their diet. Never consume algae oil before surgery. The supplements may invoke the appearance of bruises. As omega-3 fats may lower blood pressure people with hypotension should be cautious while taking algae oil supplements. The drop of blood pressure is possible in case of the high dosage taken.