Oilypedia.com - Benefits And Uses Of Supplemental and Essential Oils http://oilypedia.com Sat, 18 Oct 2014 23:55:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.40 Burpless Fish Oil or Fish Oil in Capsuleshttp://oilypedia.com/burpless-fish-oil-or-fish-oil-in-capsules/ http://oilypedia.com/burpless-fish-oil-or-fish-oil-in-capsules/#comments Sun, 09 Mar 2014 19:25:24 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=902 burpless fish oilBurpless fish oil is a good choice for those who dislike the taste or odor of fish oil. Modern market offers fish oil in capsules, thus eliminating the odor and taste of the product.

Burpless fish oil

Fish oil supplements in the form of capsuls become burpless and don’t have any odor.

According to Wikipedia, there are 3 types of fish oil: brown, yellow and white. The one, which is in capsules, is used for medical purposes and belongs to the third type. But at the same time, enteric coated fish oil fully preserves its properties. Each capsule contains 500 mg of oily transparent liquid, which is extracted from fish liver. Soft capsules are made of gelatin and glycerin. Their shape and size are designed for easy use by adults and children.

SEE ALSO: International Fish Oil Standards – the Truth You Should Know

The benefits of enteric coated fish oil

Accordign to MedLinePlus, fish oil burpless supllements have a row of benefits for health. Due to its fatty acids, fish oil is considered to be a natural remedy for stress and depression (read more about fish oil and anxiety). The consuming of fish oil in capsules during pregnancy has a great impact not only on a woman’s health but also on her future child development. Fish oil is rich in vitamins; in this case it is suggested to take it during allergies. Also fish oil in capsules helps to strengthen the eye muscles and helps improve visual acuity. Besides, these healing capsules can increase the efficiency of the brain functioning.

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How to take fish oil

If fish oil is sold in capsules, we are to take it as it is directed on the package. Depending on the size of capsules, the doze varies from two to six pieces at one reception. The intensity of the course depends on the kind of treated condition. It is better to determine the duration of fish oil using with the doctor. It is advisable to take fish oil during meal. Keep it in a dark place at a temperature of +10 º C.

We should not forget that fish oil as well as any drug has contraindications. If the content of vitamin D in the body exceeds the norm, it would be better to give up this drug (find out the interrelation of fish oil and vitamin D). You should not take it in the case of problems with the thyroid gland. There are other contraindications, such as acute and chronic liver disease, chronic renal failure, kidney stones and gallstones, and idiosyncrasy.

Fish oil, of course, is not the panacea for all diseases, but it’s a good and reliable tool. We should not forget that this is a medication, and before starting taking it, you need to consult a doctor.

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International Fish Oil Standards: What is GMP Standard?http://oilypedia.com/international-fish-oil-standards-what-is-gmp-standard/ http://oilypedia.com/international-fish-oil-standards-what-is-gmp-standard/#comments Sun, 09 Mar 2014 19:18:00 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=919 international fish oil standards

International fish oil standards have been introduced as some fish oil can be contaminated with mercury or produced without following safety requirements. People may experience some health problems because of the excessive consumption of fish such as tuna or salmon, because they contain high levels of toxic mercury. In this way, you should be very concerned about the content of mercury in fish oil supplements.

GMP standard

Today fish oil is sold in pharmacies everywhere. Even some network companies can offer it. But how not to buy a fake or low-quality fish oil? When purchasing omega-3 supplement, pay attention to the labeling. Qualitative fish oil must be marked with the GMP standard («Good Manufacturing Practice»). According to Wikipedia description, it is one of the international  fish oil standards, which consists of a system of rules and requirements that are applied to producers of medicines, nutritional supplements, food products, active ingredients and medical devices. The requirements of this standard relate training and qualifications of personnel, equipment, production facilities, quality of ingredients, conditions of storage and transportation. So if the supplement of fish oil meets the GMP standard, it means that you deal with a guaranteed high-quality and effective drug.

SEE ALSO: When We Should Use Bulk Coconut Oil

Harvard Medical School study

During the study on the “pathology and laboratory medicine,” conducted at the Harvard Medical School in 2003, five available to the buyer fish oil supplements and corresponding to them levels of mercury were analyzed. Such brands as Kirkland, Nordic Ultimate, CVS Sundown and OmegaBrite were tested. As a result, all brands corresponded fish oil international standards (read also about fish oil brands). Only two brands were found to contain a slight amount of mercury. CVS brand contains 10 micrograms per liter, and OmegaBrite brand contains 12 ug / l mercury. In spite of the fact, that these brands contain some mercury, but their levels are quite low and are considered insignificant for the human body. So researchers have suggested that supplements of fish oil are even more useful source of omega-3 fatty acids than the consumption of natural fish (read more about krill oil vs fish oil).

RELATED: Flaxseed Oil vs Fish Oil as an Omega-3 Source

But the problem of defining the amount of mercury in fish oil supplements still remains: nowadays it is difficult to determine the level of mercury by standard testing methods, and not all supplements can be tested. And application of GMP standard is a very expensive project.

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Fish Oil: Anxiety and Stress Reductionhttp://oilypedia.com/fish-oil-anxiety-and-stress-reduction/ http://oilypedia.com/fish-oil-anxiety-and-stress-reduction/#comments Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:23:14 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=911 Anxiety Can Be Reduced with Fish Oil

Photo credit: wikipedia

The modern pace of life usually testes us daily. Human health depends on how stable its psycho-emotional system is. Fish oil as an anxiety reduction natural remedy has been used more and more. The oil contains omega-3 fats beneficial for reducing stress levels and anxiety. Is it true?

Fish oil for lessening stress level

To lessen stress level we should increase the amount of phenylalanine, tyrosine, and methionine in the body on 30%. These amino psychodynamic acids are responsible for rapid biosynthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine – “bearers of happiness” anti-stress hormones, which help to eliminate anxiety and help to cope with nervous shocks.

Fortunately, omega-3 fatty acids can help adapt to stress. In addition, they reduce the level of damage in the body, which is linked with anxiety and triggered by oxidative stress. Earlier studies proved that omega-3 fatty acids increased the level of oxidative stress due to their susceptibility to oxidation. However, recent research has shown that EPA and DHA in fact help to reduce oxidative stress. Read more about fish oil and EPA /DHA. Taking EPA or DHA makes it possible to reduce the level of anxiety due to their component called F2-isoprostanes. This compound is formed during the oxidation of arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is a “bad” fat; we get it from food and it is produced in the body and promotes the formation of inflammatory process.

Fish oil reduces production of arachidonic acid as well as the level of oxidation. It is necessary to mention, that because of the fact that these two processes are the main cause of cardiovascular disease, the consumption of fish oil alongside with other fish oil benefits can protect your heart health. 

SEE ALSO: Fish Oil and Depression

Anxiety and heart diseases

Anxiety and heart diseases significantly increases the risk of heart attack. People with the diseases of cardiovascular system have the greater risk of heart failure, heart attacks and death in a state of anxiety. Scientists conducted a study where more than 1,000 volunteers with some heart disease took part. It was found that 74 % were at risk of heart attacks and death in a state of anxiety. The study was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

YOU MIGHT ALSO BE INTERESTED IN: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Benefits

The studies on fish oil effect on the level of anxiety

Fish oil reduces both inflammation and the level of anxiety in young adults, as the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity reports68 students of first and second courses participated in the study, organized by researchers from Ohio State University. During the experiment six surveys were conducted, their theme was anxiety, depression and psychological state. Half of the students regularly received fish oil throughout the experiment. The second half was given a placebo. The group consuming fish oil, showed a reduction of levels of an anxiety in 20% compared with the group, which was given placebo. Levels of cytokines (interleukin-6) in the blood of students, who consumed fish oil, fell in 14%.

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids – EPA and DHA. Earlier studies have showed that they play a great role in reducing the level of cytokines in the body. Psychological stress, as it has already known, increases it. According to researchers, “people should consider the question of increasing the amount of omega-3 in their diet; it will certainly help to reduce anxiety”. Find out the main fish oil substitutes.

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Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Benefitshttp://oilypedia.com/extra-virgin-coconut-oil-benefits/ http://oilypedia.com/extra-virgin-coconut-oil-benefits/#comments Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:08:31 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=1862  Coconut Oil Benefits

People often say about amazing extra virgin coconut oil benefits. What is extra virgin coconut oil? What is its difference from usual coconut oil. Let’s find out.

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Coconut Oil Soap: How to Makehttp://oilypedia.com/coconut-oil-soap-how-to-make/ http://oilypedia.com/coconut-oil-soap-how-to-make/#comments Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:17:51 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=1866 coconut oil soap

Coconut oil is famous for its nourishing and healing effect for the skin. Coconut oil soap has been known and taken advantage from for hundreds of years. If you use a soap that contains coconut oil, it can help you to fight a number of rather serious skin problems.

According to Wikipedia, coconut oil is a valuable ingredient in most of soaps because it makes the soap be harder so your bars have a longer life. Pure coconut oil soap has a mild aroma and creamy white color. It can be easily found in every beauty shop or drug store. However hand-crafted coconut oil soap has some distinctive advantages. It is made from completely natural ingredients and essential oils, so there are no chemical additives in them. It should be also taken into account that when you buy coconut oil soap from large manufacturers they contain less natural glycerin and therefore lose some of their moisturizing properties. Read also about coconut oil shampoo.

If you what to make coconut oil soap at home, be sure you are aware of all the dangers of the process of soap making. You’d better read some books on this topic or even take some classes. Nevertheless you won’t regret it as coconut oil soap is relatively easy to make and it is very fragrant, hard, and bubbly and has great moisturizing abilities.

SEE ALSO: Is Coconut Oil Alzheimer’s Hoax

Pure coconut oil soap



RELATED: When Can We USe Fractionated Coconut Oil


  1. Dress up for making soap – safety glasses, rubber gloves and a shirt with long sleeves would be fine. Prepare all required ingredients and equipment.
  2. Pour the lye to the water. Be careful as because of the chemical reaction the mixture will get very hot and the fumes that will occur are poisonous. Keep stirring until the lye is dissolved and then put the mixture aside to cool to approximately 105 degrees (you can measure the temperature with a candy thermometer).
  3. Heat the coconut oil in a stainless steel pot and softly stir with a wooden spoon until melted. Set it aside to cool to 110 degrees nearly (the coconut oil should be slightly colder than the lye mixture).
  4. Very slowly and carefully pour the lye mixture to the oil mixture until combined. Stir constantly either by hand or with a hand held blender until the mixture begins to saponify and gets thick. The spoon should begin to leave an apparent stirring trail in the soap mixture. If so, the mixture ‘traces’ and the key moment of the soap making process is passed.
  5. Pour the soap mixture into the molds which you prepared and leave in some cool and dry place for 3-5 days. Then remove the soap from the molds. Allow it to rest undisturbed for about 6 weeks for the saponification process to be completed.
  6. Enjoy your soap with its fragrant lather and mild moisturizing properties.

This was the recipe of pure coconut oil soap, however you can add to this formula any other oil you like. We would recommend you to try adding olive and palm oils to this recipe. The combination of these three oils which complement each other greatly will make your soap gentle and it will lather and clean fairly well as olive oil and palm oil benefit for skin too. The proportion should be as follows:

  • Coconut oil –25%
  • Olive oil –45%
  • Palm oil – 30%
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Fish Oil and Depression: How to Treat Depression with Fish Oilhttp://oilypedia.com/fish-oil-and-depression-how-to-treat-depression-with-fish-oil/ http://oilypedia.com/fish-oil-and-depression-how-to-treat-depression-with-fish-oil/#comments Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:10:12 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=857 fish oil and depression + fish oil for depression

Fish oil and depression: how can they be interrelated? It’s not a secret that the number of people suffering from depression is increasing annually. But only 50% of them go to the doctor. One of the reasons is a fear of drugs that influence our mind. That’s why, alongside with the development of new drugs, scientists are looking for alternative ways of treating depression. And fish oil comes to help.

Fish oil is a unique natural substance (see fish oil nutrition profile). The importance of its usage has been proven by scientists from different countries and generations, as Wikipedia states.

Fish oil improves brain function at any age. There are several ways of influencing fish oil on the work of brains.

SEE ALSO: Benefits of Fish Oil for Women

Fish oil for depression

Inadequate intake of fish can lead to depression. People who eat a great amount of fish rarely suffer from depression. Lack of essential fatty acids because of the diet is associated with symptoms of depression among some groups of people: alcoholics, people with multiple sclerosis, and women in the postpartum period. Moreover, some people who reduce fat intake (including fish oil) in their diet of weight loss often experience depression.

According to Depression Health Center, DHA of fish oil regulates the content of serotonin, a chemical sender of impulses between nerve cells, which is known for its influence on the “good mood.” People suffering from depression often have low levels of serotonin. Thus, the use of omega-3 is also a great opportunity to raise your spirits. Thus, we can get a completely natural remedy for sudden stress or prolonged depression.

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Reduces aggressiveness

Japanese researchers believe that people consuming fish oil regularly are less likely exposed to manifestations of aggression as a result of stress conditions. That’s why healing capsules can not only help improve mood and cope with depression but even overcome aggression and renew our nervous cells (read more about fish oil reviews).

Studies have shown that hormones produced under the influence of stress, caused by hostility or anger, can lead to the narrowing of the arteries and accelerate the process of their closures, while fish oil can inhibit the secretion of these hormones.

We can suggest the method of coping with depression with the help of fish oil We suggest burpless fish oil in capsules. Take a fish oil capsules once a day (find out what is molecularly distilled fish oil) . Dose is about 1,000 mg a day. This dose is contained in 1o kg of salmon. The first two weeks it is recommend to take a higher dose nearly 2000 mg, then move on to 1000 mg. It’s better to drink fish oil even after the depression goes away completely. But remember! The admission of it should be no more than three courses a year, because the surplus of vitamins A and D is also bad for the human body.

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Enjoying Grapeseed Oil Massagehttp://oilypedia.com/enjoying-grapeseed-oil-massage/ http://oilypedia.com/enjoying-grapeseed-oil-massage/#comments Sat, 08 Mar 2014 20:03:23 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=1274 grapeseed oil massage

Regular grapeseed oil massage can do wonders to the state of your mind, health and body. Grapeseed oil is a perfect choice as it has a wide range of benefits.

How to choose massage oil

There are the following most significant for massage physical characteristics of oils (by WikiHow, LiveStrong):

  • glide or slip (how the oil spreads);
  • drag (the degree of lubrication);
  • viscosity (the weight of the oil)
  • how easily the oil is absorbed;
  • chemical makeup (nourishing and moisturizing properties);
  • scent;
  • diluting properties (is the oil good as carrier oil for aromatherapy essential oils).

The more slip the oil has the easier it is for the therapist’s hands to slide over the body. If work with deep muscles is needed, then much lubrication won’t be helpful and heavier oils with more drag should be found. Viscosity determines the weight of oils.

SEE ALSO: Massage as One of Argan Oil Uses

Grapeseed oil massage advantages 

One of the most often used massage oils is grapeseed oil. Its prime benefits are the following:

  • High grapeseed oil nutrition value. As Wikipedia states, grapeseed oil is rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and Vitamin E. All the compounds have powerful nourishing, moisturizing and healing properties. So grapeseed oil massage promotes the health and the beauty of the body. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-aging activity.
  • Creates a protective barrier to moisture loss.
  • Medium weight. Grapeseed oil massage can be both relaxing and deep.
  • Easily absorbed. Grapeseed oil massage does not leave a “greasy” feeling afterwards due to the fine silky texture of the oil.
  • Acts as carrier oil. Grapeseed oil easily penetrates the skin delivering the beneficial properties of essential oils deep inside the body. Normally, from 10 to 20 drops of essential oil are added to every 100 ml/ 4oz of carrier oil. Compare grapeseed oil vs canola oil as carrier oils.
  • Totally allergy-free. Grapeseed oil massage is safe for those who have sensitive skin or the tendency for dermatitis.
  • Suitable for acneic skin. Oils with comedogenic properties can irritate and inflame acneic skin even more. Grapeseed oil is believed to be non-comedogenic due to its purported antibacterial and antiseptic features. Grapeseed oil massage helps to tone the facial skin and to moisturize it without clogging pores. Read more about grapeseed oil and acne.

RELATED: Is Macadamia Nut Oil Comedogenic?

  • Suitable for the skin under eyes. Very gentle grapeseed oil massage for face treats crows’ feet and repairs skin around the eyes. Find out all benefits of grapessed oil for skin care.
  • Baby-safe oil. Grapeseed oil massage is a good choice for baby’s skin. It is thin, rather light and non-allergic. Besides, grapeseed oil is edible in case a baby’s hands turn out to be in the mouth. Nevertheless prior to using the oil test it on a small spot on the baby skin in case of personal sensitivity to the oil.
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Bulk Coconut Oil: Worth Buying?http://oilypedia.com/bulk-coconut-oil-worth-buying/ http://oilypedia.com/bulk-coconut-oil-worth-buying/#comments Sat, 08 Mar 2014 19:54:57 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=1854 bulk coconut oil

Bulk coconut oil is convenient when you use a lot of coconut oil. Often people complain that coconut oil is very expensive and avoid using it notwithstanding its health benefits. They say it not only has a high price, but also is packed in small jars, which contain coconut oil only for using several times. Their need for oil outgrows the size of the jars. Thus, they have to go to the store again and again. It takes time and it’s easier for them to use familiar butter and olive or vegetable oils. We want to offer a way out for them – bulk coconut oil. Bulk coconut oil is sold in large containers at a much cheaper price and it is very convenient to purchase it.

Bulk coconut oil brands and stores

The easiest way to get bulk coconut oil is to buy in online (read more where to buy coconut oil). There are several famous brands that sell bulk coconut oil in the USA as well as in Australia, Canada and Philippines.

  1. Bulkapothecary. This brand sells pure coconut oil in bulk, of food grade. They guarantee the best price and can sell any quantity, from 1 lb to 100,000 lb.
  2. Jedwards International Inc. Jedwards is a wholesale supplier and sells bulk virgin organic coconut oil for a lot of uses in the cosmetic, food and nutritional supplement branches of industryю
  3. Tropical Traditions sells bulk coconut oil in 1 gallon and 5 gallon pails. There is expeller-pressed coconut oil, organic virgin coconut oil, expeller-pressed pure coconut oil and many others in their online-store. The choice is very wide and can satisfy any needs.
  4. Nutiva. Nutiva is considered different from other brands because they press the oil within 10 hours after the coconut is cut open. It adds the oil a special coconut flavor. There are virgin and raw extra-virgin coconut oils in the store. Find out how to choose coconut oil.
  5. Artisana. It is one of the most widely-known brands of coconut oil. They produce oil with one of the purest coconut tastes.
  6. Titan Organics, Nature’s Way, Barlean’s Organic Oils, Vitacost brand sell bulk coconut oil as well. You can buy their oil and coconut oil of all brands in online store Amazon at any time.

SEE ALSO: How Coconut oil Helps for Alzheimer’s 

Pros and сontras

Bulk coconut oil has its advantages and disadvantages. The pluses of bulk coconut oil are

  • Cheap price in comparison with small jars
  • No need to do frequent shopping
  • Few chances that your favorite coconut oil will be over when you need it.


RELATED: Where Can You Buy Safflower Oils

The minus of bulk coconut oil is its plastic packaging. If coconut oil is stored in cheap plastic, it will take on a plastic taste and smell.  Coconut oil can be corrosive. So if you buy large amounts of coconut oil, you should buy it in non-corrosive HDPE food-grade pails. And don’t leave it open while storing.

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Cooking with Grapeseed Oil: A Taste! You Have to Try!..http://oilypedia.com/cooking-with-grapeseed-oil-a-taste-you-have-to-try/ http://oilypedia.com/cooking-with-grapeseed-oil-a-taste-you-have-to-try/#comments Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:38:18 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=1277 cooking with grapeseed oil

Su Fairchild, MD from the University of Kansas Medical Center claims that cooking with grapeseed oil is a useful addition to a healthy kitchen.

The benefits of cooking with grapeseed oil

1. High temperatures possibility. Grapeseed oil has a high smoke point. It stays stable until minimum 385F without releasing toxins. The more the oil is refined the higher smoking point it has. Thus, some grapeseed oil brands can stay the temperature up to 430F. 

2. The mild, nearly neutral flavor of the oil in comparison to other oils. So cooking with grapeseed oil allows the flavor of other ingredients to come through. Just a hint of grapeseed oil nuttiness is especially beneficial for bakery, grilled vegetables and salad dressings.

3. The rich content of the oil. Grapeseed oil is very healthy as it contains powerful antioxidants (oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, proanthrocyanidins), flavonoids, fatty acids and Vitamin E (read more about grapeseed oil nutrtion data). Health benefits of cooking with grapeseed oil include reducing “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and increasing “good” (HDL) cholesterol (Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2010)

4. The vast range of cooking applications. Due to its versatility grapeseed oil is good for deep frying, baking, sautéing and lower-temperature use (salad dressing, marinades).


SEE ALSO: Grapeseed Oil Extract – Uses and Benefits 

How to use grapeseed oil for some dishes

(by LiveStrongRose Kivi “How to Cook with Grapeseed Oil”, Organic Pure and Healthy Cooking Oils).

Meat and fish

Grapeseed oil helps retain moisture in meat. For broiling or grilling steaks, chicken or fish: take a tablespoon of grapeseed oil; add your favorite seasonings; rub the mixture over the surface of a product.

Garlic bread

Brushed on a slice of bread grapeseed oil will help create a crispy texture. For even better taste add optional toppings: cheese, tomato, chopped olives, etc.

Salad dressings, sauces, marinades

In these grapeseed oil is excellent due to its very light nutty flavor that allows herbs and spices to show off. Also, the oil has good emulsifying properties which are highly beneficial for dressings and sauces.

RELATED: Easy Ways How to Make a Walnut Oil Salad Dressing


Grapeseed oil is a good choice for sautéing vegetables as it has a high smoke point and a mild flavor that won’t overpower food. Also, the oil can be the compound of a dip for fresh vegetables on a platter.


Grapeseed oil works well when baking pans are coated with it. The oil can be added instead of dairy butter to the cake mix. That will reduce the amount of consumed saturated fats.

As Dr. Weil warns that it is very important to pay attention to the extraction methods in order to get true benefits of cooking with grapeseed oil (find out all benefits of grapeseed oil). No chemicals must be used for the deriving of the oil. Look for organic grapeseed oil that is expeller pressed and cold pressed grapeseed oil which do not contain hexane or gasoline.

Grapeseed oil should be stored in a cool, dark place and it is recommended keeping it no more than a month.

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6 Great Argan Oil Useshttp://oilypedia.com/6-great-argan-oil-uses/ http://oilypedia.com/6-great-argan-oil-uses/#comments Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:29:17 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=1338 argan oil uses

Photo credit: wikipedia

Argan oil uses are numerous; they are both culinary and cosmetic.  Argan oil is considered to be rather rare because it is produced only in Morocco. Argan oil is extracted from the kernels of argan tree and the procedure of its extraction has been known for many years.   Nowadays there are so called fair-trade cooperatives in Morocco where Berber women produce argan oil the way they used to do it for centuries. It takes 3 days to make just one liter of argan oil so it makes this oil really valuable. So what is argan oil used for?

Face moistening

Due to the fatty acids contained in argan oil it is a great moisturizer according to Wikipedia. It gives your skin all the necessary nutrients and deeply penetrates it. It is very helpful particularly for dry and lifeless skin as argan oil effectively hydrates it not leaving greasy and oily feelings. Read also about argan oil for face.

Acne treatment

Argan oil is rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin E so it possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It controls sebum production which means it prevents acne development. Argan oil reduces acne scars and unclogs the pores of our skin. This makes argan oil an effective acne remedy. What is more, it is very helpful for treatment of all inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema or psoriases.


RELATED: How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Psoriasis

Wrinkles reducing

Due to the high concentration of Vitamin E in argan oil it prevents premature aging of the skin, reduces wrinkles and leaves the skin young and renewed.   Use a few drops of pure argan oil in the morning and before you go to bed for at least 3-4 weeks to achieve best results.

Nails strengthening

Brittle and weak nails can get a lot of help from argan oil treatment. It strengthens both the nails and cuticle. Rub some argan oil into your hands and nails each day before you go to bed and soft and smooth skin and strong nails will be guaranteed to you.

Hair treatment

How to use argan oil for hair? The answer is rather simple. Just add a small amount of argan oil to the shampoo you ordinarily use or make an argan oil shampoo at home. This will heal damaged, dry and lifeless hair making it look strong, healthy and shiny. It treats and prevents split ends and hydrates scalp. It is also reported that argan oil cures dandruff.

Body care

Argan oil can be also used as a body lotion. Massage a small amount of the oil into your body after shower. It will prevent the skin from dryness and make it soft, firm and relaxed. It is better though to mix argan oil with body lotion as if you use it on its own it will cost you a lot of money as argan oil is rather expensive.


SEE ALSO:  What is Fractionated Coconut Oil Used for?

How to choose argan oil

Although it is a wide variety of commercial products containing argan oil on the market, we recommend you to buy pure organ oil. It can be bought in ordinary beauty stores or ordered online. Mind the quality of the product you buy.

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Fish Oil for Cats: When Cats Need ithttp://oilypedia.com/fish-oil-for-cats/ http://oilypedia.com/fish-oil-for-cats/#comments Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:20:11 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=848  fish oil for cats

Fish oils of cold water fish contain essential fatty acids beneficial to the health of body system not only of humans, but also of cats and dogs. We recommend fish oil for cats as fish oil is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids including alpha-linoleic acids ALA, docosahexaenoic acids (DPA), eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA) and omega-6 fatty acids.

Benefits of fish oil for cats

Cats lack essential fatty acids as well as people do because their bodies can’t produce omega-3 acids either. Therefore they should take the necessary amount from their nutrition. Cat food is very often short of essential fatty acids, which results in cats’ health problems. Fish oil supplements may solve this lack.

SEE ALSO: Fish Oil for Dogs – How to Feed?

There are a row of fish oil benefits for cats wellbeing, according to PetCareRx. When we add fish oil to cats’ nutrition it can help cure inflammation.  Inflammation can cause various serious problems with cats’ health, for example heart attacks and arthritis. Fish oil for cats is highly effective in improving heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids help support cats’ cardiovascular system. Read more how fish oil benefits for women’s health.

One more benefit that fish oil for cats provides is shiny coat and healthy skin. Adding fish oil to cats’ diet has been found to be of much help for skin moisturizing. Moreover, the shedding of cats consuming fish oil regularly is lower in comparison with cats whose food is not supplemented with fish oil. According to recent studies, fish oil prevents skin allergies and yeast infections in cats. 

RELATED: Can We Give Tea Tree oil to Cats?

The dosage of fish oil for cats

Adding fish oil into cats’ food is the most well-known method to implement fish oil for cats. You simply cut off a fish oil soft capsule and mix the oil with cats’ meal. According to Westside Family Pet Clinic, the dosage of fish oil for cats depends on the type of a cat. The heavier a cat is the more fish oil it needs. The exact dosage of fish oil for cats should be defined by veterinarians in order to avoid overdose, allergies or contradictions. The veterinary doctor is likely to recommend 9-12 week course of fish oil.  If your cat gets fish oil from the food, then the doctor will reduce fish oil dosage or will say that fish oil is not necessary at all for your cat.

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Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Hoaxhttp://oilypedia.com/coconut-oil-and-alzheimers-hoax/ http://oilypedia.com/coconut-oil-and-alzheimers-hoax/#comments Thu, 06 Mar 2014 19:11:26 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=1848 coconut oil alzheimer's hoax

People search for the cure for Alzheimer’s and coconut oil is among the alternative treatments against this frightening disease. However, there is no scientific evidence that coconut oil helps and some experts consider coconut oil the Alzheimer’s hoax. Let’s find out facts.

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder and the sixth cause of death in the USA, as the Alzheimer’s Association reports. It affects mostly people over 60 years old. Alzheimer’s disease is connected with serious brain disorders and brain death. Patients with this disease lose memory and their concentration lowers, they confuse facts, don’t recognize people and are not able to do daily tasks. Their brain becomes damaged and the reason is still unknown for sure, but brain scans show the reduced level of glucose on the damaged area.

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Coconut oil effectiveness

The interest in coconut oil as a cure for Alzheimer’s disease has risen in the last few years due to the article of a physician Dr. Mary Newport. She knew of the application of medium-chain triglycerides in the treatment of children with epilepsy. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides, namely a caprylic acid that is converted into ketone by our bodies.  For patients with Alzheimer’s disease ketone gives an alternative source of energy for brain cells that cannot use glucose. When Dr.Newport realized that traditional treatment against Alzheimer’s disease gave no effective results for her husband she started giving him coconut oil. After a few weeks he improved his physical ability, verbal expression and memory. She claimed that this was a proof that coconut oil helped. Read more how to take coconut oil to benefit from it.

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Coconut oil is Alzheimer’s hoax

Unfortunately, there is no evidence of scientific researches to test the coconut oil benefits. No studies have shown that coconut oil consistently reverses symptoms of Alzheimer’s or halt the disease. Until now there haven’t been any double-blind studies carried out where neither participants nor researchers know who gets coconut oil and who gets placebo. This is the only form of studies that gives the true results, because nobody expects results and can influence them. We can just hope for the future researches that will prove or deny coconut oil’s effect on Alzheimer’s disease. According to the statements of the National Institute of Aging, the Federal Agency for Alzheimer’s disease, new drugs are studied to win Alzheimer’s disease and reverse its symptoms.

As for now, it is known that two pharmaceutical companies in the USA stopped the development of a drug for Alzheimer’s disease based on coconut oil properties after two clinical tests. Drug didn’t help patients. Experts recognized coconut oil as Alzheimer’s hoax. Representatives of the companies declared as well that all other studies in this area were stopped. However, the Alzheimer’s Association declares that some patients testify that coconut oil provides help in Alzheimer’s symptoms relief.

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Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s Diseasehttp://oilypedia.com/coconut-oil-for-alzheimers-disease/ http://oilypedia.com/coconut-oil-for-alzheimers-disease/#comments Thu, 06 Mar 2014 19:01:23 +0000 http://oilypedia.com/?p=1844 coconut oil for alzheimer's

Search for a remedy against Alzheimer’s disease, a fatal neurological disorder, is complicated and at the same time mysterious as well as the disease itself. The sharp rise of this dementia was observed in the past decade, as Alzheimer’s Association reports. Coconut oil for Alzheimer’s disease is considered an alternative treatment. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration hasn’t approved coconut oil as a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Why do people persist on using coconut oil for Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease

It is a neurological disorder that afflicts about 5.4 million Americans, as Alzheimer’s Association notes. It affects mostly people over 60 years old. During near 8 years it progresses into a fatal disease. The symptoms are the loss of memory and concentration, confusion and inability to perform daily tasks, poor judgment and mood changes. The exact cause is not found, but brain scanning shows that the reduced level of glucose in the damaged areas of brain is responsible for it.

SEE ALSO: Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Hoax

Coconut oil and alzheimer’s

According to coconut oil nutrition profile coconut oil has three fatty acids: lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid. Caprylic acid, also known as a medium chain triglyceride (MCT), breaks down into ketone bodies when it is consumed. Ketone converted from caprylic acid offers an alternative source of energy for damaged brain cells, for which glucose becomes unavailable, as in the case of Alzheimer’s disease. According to Coconut Research Center, when patients consume coconut oil, Alzheimer’s disease may be halted. Find out how coconut oil influnces diabetes.


People share positive results of using coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease blocking. Dr. Mary Newport, a pediatrician and director of a newborn intensive care unit in Florida, wrote in her article, “What If There Was a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease and No One Knew?” that ketone bodies of coconut oil can stop progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Newport knew that medium-chain triglycerides were successfully used for children with epilepsy. When traditional treatment against Alzheimer’s disease was ineffective for her husband she began to give him coconut oil and they achieved positive results after just two weeks.Read also how to choose coconut oil?

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Where to Buy the Best Coconut Oil?


In 2001 one article in “IUBMB Life”, a journal of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, stated that ketone bodies were shown to lower the death of brain cells in patients with Alzheimer’s. The Medical and Scientific Advisory Council of Alzheimer’s Association express doubt and state that there is no evidence enough to connect coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease.   The National Institute of Aging, the leading of the Federal Agency for Alzheimer’s disease, continues studying new drugs to halt and win Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, researches don’t show the positive results and scientific evidence of coconut oil effectiveness. However, the Alzheimer’s Association claims that some patients and caregivers testify that when they used coconut oil Alzheimer’s symptoms relieved.

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