Tea tree oil is highly beneficial for dental care as it kills the bacteria in the mouth, prevents gingivitis and helps get rid of bad breath. Tea tree oil can be used in the form of a tea tree oil toothpaste or a tea tree oil mouthwash. There are many recipes of homemade tea tree oil mouthwashes for every need. Here are some of them. Remember that you should never swallow tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is toxic if ingested.
Recipe 1
You will need:
- 1 1/3 cups mineral water (it is a base)
- 6 drops teat tree oil (anti-bacterial properties)
- 5 drops peppermint oil (flavor)
- a little of stevia or xylitol (sweetener)
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl, put into a container with a lid. You may take an old used mouthwash container. Close the container tightly, shake it well. Apply your tea tree oil mouthwash after each brushing, simply swish around the mouth and spit out.
SEE ALSO: Life without Dandruff – How toUse Tea Tree Oil for Scalp
Recipe 2
You will need:
- 1 cup water
- 3 drops of tea tree oil
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
Combine the water with the baking soda, add tea tree oil and mix well. You may use a glass jar with a sealed lid for this tea tree oil mouthwash.
SEE ALSO: Easy Olive Oil Soap Recipe
Recipe 3
You will need:
- 1 cup of water
- 5 drops of cinnamon oil
- 5 drops of clove oil
- 6 drops of tea tree oil
Mix all the ingredients in a glass container. Shake well before each use to distribute the essential oils.
Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties too and, moreover, it functions as a natural preservative. Clove and clove essential oil is used to prevent and heal cavities. It also helps with toothache. It can reduce oral infections due to its antiseptic properties. The ingredients needed for your tea tree oil mouthwash are available over-the-counter at a pharmacy or in online stores amazon.com and Mountain Rose Herbs.