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Castor oil is a vegetable oil with healing properties for skin and hair. It is recommended to use castor oil for eyelashes too as it may thicken and strengthen them. How to apply the oil for longer and strong eyelashes?
Benefits of castor oil for eyelashes
According to Wikipedia castor oil is a source of the ricinoleic acid. It penetrates eyelashes and nourishes them. The oil hydrates them making less brittle. Castor oil also coats the eyelashes with a thin film that protects them from harmful environmental conditions and prevents them from moisture loss. The eyelashes become thicker, stronger and may even grow longer. Using castor oil for eyelashes you will lose fewer eyelashes than before. Read more about castor oil and facial hair.
SEE ALSO: Why Almond Oil Benefits for Eyelashes
How to choose castor oil for eyelash growth
First of all, you should buy the right castor oil. The easiest way to choose the oil is to buy it at online stores such as amazon.com or to go to a health food store. The oil should be cold-pressed. Organic and pure oils are preferable.
RELATED: How to Buy Safflower Oil
How to apply
To apply castor oil for eyelashes you will need not only castor oil but also a Q-tip and a clean mascara wand.
Step 1
Wash your face and the area around eyes. Remove all makeup. You may use avocado oil for face.
Step 2
Take a clean mascara wand and dip it into castor oil. It is necessary to tap off the excessive oil from the wand.
Step 3
It’s high time to apply the oil. Start from the eye’s inner corner. Coat the eyelashes evenly and completely from their roots. Make sure that the oil won’t get into the eyes. If the oil enters your eyes flush them with a lot of water to prevent irritation.
Step 4
Use the Q-tip to remove the excessive oil dipped from your eyelashes. Then you may go to sleep.
Step 5
The last step of applying castor oil for eyelashes growth is to remove the castor oil after you wake up. Due to castor oil the makeup won’t adhere to eyelashes. So wash the oil with water or a makeup remover you’re your eyelashes before you get dressed for the day.