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Coconut Oil Moisturizer

coconut oil moisturizer


Coconut oil is widely used in cooking nowadays, however its moistening properties has been known and taken advantage of for hundreds of years. Medium-chain fatty acids contained in coconut oil make it a perfect skin moisturizer that treats different kinds of skin problems.  Every day when you go to the shower or take bath, soaps make your skin lose some of its protective level of oils. Aging process, the impact of sun and chemicals force us to take extra-care of our skin. Moreover, using coconut oil moisturizer instead of commercial skin care products will save you a lot of money.

IMPORTANT! Does Coconut Oil Clog Pores?

Skin moistening

Coconut oil is a natural skin moisturizer due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, states Wikipedia. Using coconut oil will make your skin softer, smoother and prevent it from dryness.  It removes dead skin cells, which paves the way for fresher and softer skin to appear. Coconut oil moisturizer is indispensable and extremely beneficial for those how suffer from dry, irritated skin and rashes.


Acne treatment

According to CoconutOilfacts, coconut oil is effective in mild and medium cases of acne. This happens because of two antimicrobial agents which coconut oil contains – capric and lauric acids. They fight the bacteria on one’s skin that causes acne outbreaks. Vitamin E, one more coconut oil ingredient, clears up clogged pores, which is significant in acne treatment. Using coconut oil moisturizer constantly will make your skin produce less fat, thus there will be fewer clogged pores that lead to acne breakouts.

SEE ALSO: Coconut Oil for Skin: DOs and DON’Ts 

Age delaying

Natural antioxidants contained in coconut oil kill the free radicals that destroy the elasticity of your skin. Using coconut oil moisturizer can help to reduce the chance of the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin and slow aging process. Coconut oil’s anti-aging properties can prevent age spots development, so your skin will look healthier and younger.

There is a wide choice of commercial skin moisturizers which contain coconut oil on the market. Still it is much better and safer to make your own moisturizer at home. If you use extra-virgin coconut oil, you can be completely sure you’ll get a moisturizer of the highest quality. It’s better though first to make sure that you do not have an allergy reaction for coconut oil. Consult your therapist before using coconut oil moisturizer.

Coconut oil can be simply applied on skin or added into a body care lotion or cream which you prefer. To make a coconut oil moisturizer at home is rather easy and fast and requires only a hand mixer and 3 ingredients.

 SEE ALSO: Ever Wondered What Coconut Oil Brand Is the Best?

Coconut oil lotion recipe


  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tsp. Vitamin E (can be optional)
  • a couple of drops of any essential oil you prefer (e.g. tea tree or eucalyptus, however can also be optional)

How to make

Step 1

Mix in a bowl all the ingredients together

Step 2

Mix with a hand blender on high speed for approximately 7 minutes

Step 3

Pour the mixture into a glass container. Coconut oil lotion can be stored into your bathroom.