Home / Health and Wellness / Fish Oil for Dogs: Absolutely Necessary

Fish Oil for Dogs: Absolutely Necessary

fish oil for dogs + fish oil for dogs dosage

Fish oil for dogs is recommended by veterinarians. At first they used fish oil for dogs to cure their allergies, now they recommend it for a great amount of conditions starting from heart disease to high cholesterol and arthritis. Fish oil contains essential fatty acids beneficial to the overall health of people and of dogs as well. Fish oil has such unique omega-3 fatty acids, as eicosapentaenoic acids EPA, alpha-linoleic acids ALA and docosahexaenoic acids DPA. They are necessary for dogs’ organism but the body doesn’t produce them. 

Benefits of fish oil for dogs

If your dog’s health is good now, fish oil for dogs can help prevent future problems with its joints and coat, as The Whole Dog Journal states. Fish oil for dogs is usually necessary because dogs’ nutrition usually lacks essential fatty acids. Dry food doesn’t provide omega-3 fatty acids. Even pet food that is claimed to possess essential fatty acids is a pour source of them because fatty acids added to pet food become rancid after two hours at room temperature.

EPA and DHA in fish oil lower the level of triglycerides, prevent blood clotting and, therefore, reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke (read more about fish oil EPA and DHA). Fish oil for dogs has been found to help reduce inflammation that can cause serious health problems.

Fish oil is of much help for skin and coat. It can help avoid itching and mites and fleas. If you apply fish oil on dogs’ skin directly it will kill parasites.

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Fish oil dosage for dogs

According to Canine Rehabilitation & Conditioning Group, if you add fish oil for dogs’ nutrition, it is recommended to give them 2 grams a day. The course usually lasts not less than 6 weeks. Of course, fish oil for dogs’ dosage depends on the size and weight of a dog. Before dosing fish oil for dogs you’d better consult the veterinary doctor. He will recommend you a fish oil dosage and maybe advise you to combine fish oil supplements, because the dosage is usually higher when dogs suffer from allergies and lower when dogs have already been consuming omega-3 fatty acids from other supplements.


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Is fish oil always good for dogs? Fish oil thins the blood that may cause longer bleeding of wounds. So be cautious with fish oil for dogs before medical operations.