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The topic of rose hip seed oil as an acne treatment is quite a controversial one. While many people praise its beneficial properties, others advise to be careful and use this oil as after-treatment product. In this article we will try finding out whether rose hip seed oil can really be used for acne treatment or is it better to find an alternative product.
A story behind
To start with, let’s take a look at acne and its causes in order to determine how rose hip seed oil affects it. Acne is a skin condition characterized by inflammation, irritation, redness and breakout of pimples, whiteheads and cysts. It occurs, when skin pores are clogged with too much skin oil and dead skin cells, and the reasons behind acne are numerous, from overactive hormone production to stress and improper diet.
TRY NATURAL: Grapeseed Oil for Acne and Acne Scars
Rose hip seed oil properties
There are a number of properties rose hip seed oil possesses that seem to be effective in elimination and reduction of acne symptoms. They include:
Rosehip oil has anti-inflammatory feature, meaning it can assists in reducing itching, swelling and redness
Moisturizing and nutritious
When acne strikes, the skin lacks in nutrients and water, so to improve its condition it is important to properly hydrate it and provide with necessary substances.
Scars and marks elimination
One of the strongest features of rose hip seed oil is its ability to eliminate scars, marks and stretches. We will discuss it in detail below, as this point has to be taken into consideration.
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Can you treat acne with rose hip seed oil?
The answer is: not recommended. Now you may be surprised and ask: but what about all the benefits mentioned above? Despite all this, it is still recommended to use it as an after-treatment product, mainly as a product for scars elimination. Firstly, this oil is extremely rich so it may promote acne breakout. Secondly, it is not very efficient in pimples elimination, so if you still wish to use it, it is recommended to mix this oil with another one that is more suitable for acne treatment. An important point here is, however, the effect rose hip oil has on acne scars and marks.
Rose hip seed oil as an acne scar treatment
Due to its content, rose hip oil is one of the most powerful products for eliminating scars and marks on our skin. Vitamin A boosts the healing system of our body, speeding up the recovery process. As well rose hip stimulates blood circulation, which results in increasing all body processes, including the process of forming new healthy layers of the skin. Other substances present in the oil keep the skin hydrated, elastic and strong, so as can be seen, the best usage for rose hip seed oil is to eliminate acne scars after the general treatment is performed. Another thing to remember is that it is necessary to consult your dermatologist before starting any new treatment, as every skin type is individual and only specialist can find the most effective treatment product for you.