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Wheat Germ Oil for Stretch Marks: How to Prevent Them Naturally

wheat germ oil for stretch marks

Wheat germ oil along with its many other skin benefits helps prevent and diminish stretch marks. Wheat germ oil for stretch marks treatment might become one of the most effective scar treatments. This is mostly due to its extremely high concentration of Vitamin E, which promotes skin cell formation and keeps moisture deep inside skin layer.

Wheat germ oil for the prevention of stretch marks.

According to Health Guidance, the purposeful prevention of stretch marks includes the following steps:

  • consuming plenty of food rich in Vitamins E&C and essential fatty acids Omega-3&6 as these nutrients enhances tissue growth, improve the structural integrity and elasticity of skin;
  • drinking plenty of water (not tea or carbonated drinks) to hydrate skin;
  • moisturizing skin regularly.

Leslie Baumann, MD, director of the University of Miami Cosmetic Center and author of The Skin Type Solution also states, “It is crucial to moisturize. Skin becomes more pliant, more plasticized, and better able to stretch when it is well hydrated.”

If so, wheat germ oil is an excellent choice for stretch marks prevention. The oil can be used in both ways – to supplement your daily diet with loads of Vitamin E and fatty acids (Omega-6 mostly) and to rub the oil onto the areas which are at the risk of stretching (belly, hips, breasts and buttocks). Wheat germ oil possesses strong emollient qualities keeping moisture inside skin. Combine wheat germ oil with castor oil for stretch marks prevention. 

SEE ALSO: Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks Diminishing

Wheat germ oil for stretch marks diminishing.

If stretch marks have already showed up, then the most important principle is to start treating them as fast as possible. Leslie Baumann says, that when marks are red or purple (the initial stage) they respond to treatment quite readily. A recent study found that wheat germ oil helped improve stretch marks in their early phase.

RELATED: Wheat Germ Oil for Skin Care

For better results, Health Guidance recommends exfoliating the affected skin before applying moisturizer. The procedure removes dead cells, so stretch marks become less prominent and skin absorbs the nutrients from the oil more efficiently. Wheat germ oil should be applied twice a day after a shower. Wheat germ oil is also used for scar diminishing.

Taking wheat germ oil internally will help the body heal from inside out strengthening cellular structure and connective tissue.

how to wheat germ oil
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