Home / DIY / 3 DIY Recipes of Castor Oil Soap

3 DIY Recipes of Castor Oil Soap

castor oil soap

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Castor oil is known for its amazing benefits for skin. Try to make a castor oil soap at home to get all the oil can give to your skin. Castor oil soap will provide moisturizing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory and healing effect on your skin due to the fatty acids in its composition as Wikipedia notes.

Castor oil and soap

Castor oil is a good choice for soap-making. The oil makes soap bubby and creamy but you should use it at a low percentage. It can occupy about 5-10% of all oils in a soap bar. If you take more castor oil you will receive a sticky or soft bar of soap. Even 5% of castor oil will provide you with all its benefits.


SEE ALSO: A Homemade Hemp Oil Soap – Unusual but Efficient

Recipe 1

The easiest way to make a castor oil soap is to take a glycerin soap base and add the oils of your choice. You may add sweet almond oil beneficial for skin, jojoba oil, olive oil and castor oil.  Just melt the base before adding the oils and mix them thoroughly. Pour the mixture into molds and you will have an easy-to-make natural soap.

Recipe 2

If you are short of the glycerin soap base but you want to make a castor oil soap try DIY liquid soap. Grate a bar of any natural soap; mix it with some water and heat. Add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and oils. You may use essential oils, for example, lavender oil or rosemary oils. Don’t add too much castor oil. Combine it with other oils you have at your disposal. If you want to achieve a healing effect add tea tree oil too. A tea tree oil soap will heal all your skin diseases.


RELATED:  Benefits of Soap with Castor Oil for Skin Care

Recipe 3

If you love making soap at home you may try a wonderful recipe of a castor oil soap for you.

You will need:


  1. Pour the water into a pot. Add the lye into the water and not vice versa. Be careful. As a result of the chemical reaction it will become hot. Now you should cool the mixture until it has 100 degree F.
  2. Meanwhile, mix oils, preheat them up to 100 degree F and slowly pour into the lye solution when it has the right temperature.  Blend all this.
  3. Pour the mixture into the molds. The mixture will become solid. So place the molds in a warm place. Cover them and put a blanket above. Keep covered for 24 hours.
  4. After that you may cut solid soap into bars if you like. According to Wikipedia it is better to leave soap bars for 2-6 weeks. During this period excess water evaporates and the process of saponification will be totally complete.