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You can use sesame oil for hair care alongside with a variety of other purposes. Nowadays with our hectic lifestyle, stress and pollution it is no wonder that our hair looks mostly dim, has split ends and tangles. To fill it with strength and give them healthy shiny look, sesame seed oil can be surely used, as it has a number of features, beneficial for the hair growth.
Benefits of sesame oil for hair
Style Craze overviews numerous benefits of sesame oil for hair.This wonderful oil does not work on the outside only, but also treats the skin and the inside of the hair, contributing to its health and growth.
Increasing scalp blood circulation
Sesame seed oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats, which affects its penetrative abilities. Oils with higher content of such fats tend to penetrate the skin more quickly and thus, are more effective to use, as they fasten the process of blood circulation. This promotes hair growth and can even improve the condition of previously damaged hair.
Hydrate and moisturize
The content of sesame seed oil includes EFAs (essential fatty acids) and vitamin E, which are ultra-beneficial for the skin. EFAs regulate water balance and are responsible for the skin hydration, while vitamin E promotes skin elasticity, strength and health. Therefore, when applying sesame seed oil on skull, you improve the state of skin which leads to more intensive hair growth and healthier hair.
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Protection from UV
It is a well-known fact that exposure to the sun may seriously damage your hair, making them dry, dim and sick. However, there is a solution such as sesame seed oil as it is officially accepted as a sunscreen product by the FDA of US. It protects our hair by forming a special coat that does not let the UV rays to harm the hair.
Anti bacterial properties
Sesame oil has anti bacterial and antifungal properties, which make it a perfect product for treating certain conditions such as hair lice, for example. As well the application of sesame oil on hair will keep the parasites and bacteria away from the hair and heal the existing condition if any. Adding to this, as mentioned above, sesame oil also moisturizes and protects the hair, thus treatment process will be much more efficient and with better results.
Darkening property
Either you wish to slightly change the tone of your hair or avoid premature graying, then sesame oil is your choice. It has ability to darken the hair when applied, so it is an easy and natural solution to change your hair color without treating them with chemical dyes.
SEE ALSO: All the Benefits of Sesame Oil for Your Health
How to use sesame oil for hair
There are many ways to use sesame oil on your hair, from masks to simple application, but the most recommended is massaging hair and scalp with warm oil. However, before using you should consult a specialist and take into consideration your skin type and hair condition to reach best results with the oil application.
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