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The use of neem oil for acne treatment is an easy and natural way to combat acne. One of the most recognized and unpleasant skin diseases is acne, which may strike at any age. There are many reasons why acne happens, the main one being hormonal imbalance. Among other reasons may be stress, improper diet and lifestyle. So what is acne and acne scars and how can it be treated with neem oil?
Acne and acne scars
Acne is a result of blocked skin pores. When too much skin oil is produced (because of overactive hormonal activity), the pores are getting clogged and inflammation occurs. This leads to the appearance of whiteheads and blackheads, pimples and redness. Acne scars also take place, being visible and unpleasant marks on the skin.
Now all this sounds like a really serious condition that needs proper treatment. According to Wikipedia neem oil for acne and acne scars treatment can be used, but it doesn’t eliminate acne alone and it doesn’t do miracles. Neem rather contributes to the decrease and elimination of symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Neem oil used for acne scars improves cells regeneration. Therefore let’s have a look at the action plan you need when combating acne.
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Do’s and Don’ts
Here are few important things to remember when treating acne with neem products:
Do use neem oil soap
You can either buy it or make it. To make a neem oil soap, simply mix 1 tbsp of neem oil with 1 cup of liquid face soap and use it twice a day. If you consider buying neem soap, remember to go for the mildest. It is important to choose soap that has neem oil as a base (and not just an addition of the extract) and ideally it also can be moisturizing.
Do not switch to neem from the medicine you are already using
Neem oil is undoubtedly good for your skin but not when you suddenly switch to it from the products you generally use. Even if the effect is not seen immediately does not mean neem oil will do better job. So give your medicine some time and in case it does not work at all, consult the doctor first and only then decide whether you can give neem a try. Also read about neem oil side effects.
Do apply neem oil on infected areas
For this, mix neem oil with some other carrier (olive oil is always a good choice or try coconut oil for acne) in proportion 1 tbsp to 1/3 cup of other oil and apply gently using cotton ball or stick.
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Do use neem leaf as a paste
Crush fresh neem leaves in hot water and hen apply them on the acne areas, leaving it on till the paste starts drying. Do not let it dry completely though since it will irritate your skin. Wash the paste off gently afterwards with the same water you crushed the leaves in, this will increase the treatment effect.
Do not rub and scrub
Either you are using neem leaf paste or neem oil, or any other acne treatment product, do not rub it or scrub your face. This will result in more irritation and rather cause damage than actual help.