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Grapeseed Oil: Nutrition for Your Body

grapeseed oil nutrition

Grapeseed oil is one of the most nutritionally valuable oils. The complete information on grapeseed oil nutrition properties can be found at SelfNutritionData.

Nutrition value

As far as it seen, the major grapeseed oil nutrition advantages are in the high amount of the following compounds (selected serving is 1 cup or 218 g):

  • polyunsaturated fat (152 g per serving);
  • total Omega-6 fatty acids (151 708 mg);
  • total Omega-3 fatty acids (218 mg);
  • phytosterols (392 mg);
  • Vitamin E or Alpha Tocopherol (62.8 mg what is 314% of daily value).

All the energy that grapeseed oil gives comes from fats and it makes 1927 calories or 96% DV per serving size. So grapeseed oil, as any oil indeed is really caloric and one should be aware of the amount of its consumption in order not to gain weight.

SEE ALSO:  Grapeseed oil vs Canola Oil

The health benefits of grapeseed oil nutrients

lmost all the fat that grapeseed oil contains is unsaturated one that means it does not increase “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and contributes to the maintenance of “good” (HDL) cholesterol in the body. Human needs the last one to produce steroids, bile and Vitamin D. But high amount of “bad” cholesterol is believed to be the cause of heart diseases. According to the American Heart Association, to keep HDL at the proper level the consumption of trans fats and saturated fats (the saurcers of LDL cholesterol) should be reduced and a balanced nutritious diet is followed.

Grapeseed oil contains mostly unsaturated fats, very little of saturated fats and no trans fats at all. Fatty acids (Omega-6, Omega-3) and phytosterols are natural compounds which are actually the types of solid, unsaturated fat or “good” (HDL) cholesterol. So grapeseed oil nutrition composition is very healthy for the cardio system. Read also about main uses of grapeseed oil.

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Vitamin E is a very valuable part of grapeseed oil nutrition composition. It acts as antioxidant protecting cell membranes from destroying free antioxidants. Vitamin E also participates in immune function, DNA repair, and other metabolic processes. There is no need to worry that grapeseed oil contains that much of Vitamin E – it is never a problem for the body as long as the source of the vitamin is natural. 

Grapeseed oil nutrition facts have more good points. The oil contains no trans fat, no sodium and no sugar. Compare nutrition data of grapeseed oil vs olive oil.

Sodium helps control the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, nerve transmission and muscle contractions. If sodium intake is too high, blood pressure can also increase causing hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Humans usually gets plenty of sodium from their food and there is no need in additional sources. Dietary Guidelines for Americans defines the tolerable upper intake level (UL) for healthy adults as 2300 mg of sodium per day. The average American adult consumes 4000 mg/day. Read also how sesame oil decreases blood pressure.