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Everyone wants their hair to be shiny, silky and strong, but unfortunately, not all of us can afford fancy shampoos that guarantee you will have a Hollywood look right after first use. The best part is that you can easily make macadamia nut oil hair mask at home, using simple ingredients! Natural products such as macadamia oil, have proven themselves to be far more effective and much easier to buy and use.
Macadamia nut oil hair masks
Macadamia nut oil is one of the most preferred choices due to its composition and beneficial effects. Some of the nutrients found in macadamia hair are included in the WebMD list of substances, essential for healthy hair. Also, macadamia oil is capable of treating split ends and turning brittle weak hair into strong and shiny. Here are few easy recipes to make an effective macadamia nut oil hair treatment:
SEE ALSO: Olive Oil Hair Mask
Deep repair mask
For this mask you shall need: quarter cup of macadamia nut oil, a drop of tea tree oil (or chamomile oil) and a bit of aloe. Stir all the ingredients together till the uniform state. It is better if you first wash your hair with shampoo and dry them with the towel before mask application. After your hair is relatively dry, gently massage the oil into your hair and scull skin, do not forget to spread it on all the hair, including the ends. To ensure the mask is spread evenly, you can comb your hair with a brush. Then leave the mixture on the hair for about 5 to 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water. One or two times of treatment per week with macadamia nut oil hair mask will be sufficient to obtain results and strengthen the hair.
YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: A Recipe for Natural Macadamia Nut Oil Shampoo
Avocado and macadamia nut oil conditioner
This conditioner will be the best option for dry hair. It is one of the best ways of macadamia nut oil hair treatment. Besides macadamia nut oil, it contains avocado, which has numerous benefits as Dr Mercola states. The ingredients you will need are as following: 2 peeled avocados (with seeds taken out), 1 tbsp of macadamia oil and half a teaspoon of any fragrances that you prefer. To make the conditioner, simply put avocados and macadamia nut oil in a blender and blend until the mixture becomes uniform. Your hair should be wet before applying the conditioner. Now rub the mixture into your scull and hair and afterwards brush your hair for even conditioner distribution. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash off with shampoo. Such conditioner gives your hair a deep treatment and repair, but is not recommended to be used more often than twice a month.